Introducing the Audit Trail Page

The information on this page relates to the new upgraded interface of the IConduct platform. To view information about the Classic version of the user interface, follow this link.


The Audit Trail module offers a thorough recording of all actions performed inside IConduct. Using the Audit Trail page, you can easily track changes to the interfaces/agents/schemes including the source of change, the user initiating the change, as well as before/after values.

The Audit Trail Page

Adding filters to the Audit Trail lets you view only those log records that meet criteria you set, so that you can focus on a smaller set of data records. By default, none of filters are applied. Please check the table below describing available filters.


Filter Description
Entity Name The filter specifies the name of the entity object as it is titled in the IConduct platform.
User The filter specifies the user who initiated the action. The action can be also initiated by the IConduct scheduler.

The filter specifies the type of the entity object. Supported values:

  • Agent
  • Interface
  • Interface Task
  • Schema Task
  • Parameter
  • Schema Column
  • Schema Mapping
Action The filter specifies the action that was applied to the entity object.
Date The filter specifies the time interval any actions took place.


When the filters have been set, click the Filter button to display log records. You can refine the results by applying additional filters. Clicking the Clear Filter button will remove all your applied filters. The log records are presented in a table format. You can click buttons to go to the first page, the last page, the previous page, or the next page of the log file.